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Sovauthority • 1 year ago

2:12 has a Swastika, and I'm not buying that "Buddhist technique" excuse... weird stuff man..

KuroYasha • 1 year ago

your not buying a buddhist technique using a symbol which they've had in their culture for thousands of years, because some prick 100(ish) years ago copied that symbol and perverted its meaning for western countries?
also this anime is chinese, not even japanese which allied with that prick. there is literally no reason to doubt aside from muh western morals or some shizz like that
there isnt even any context that would point to what you are implying.

TumorsAreGood • 9 months ago

You're not buying it? It's literally everywhere in Buddhist culture.

Jerr Dis • 1 year ago

omg cliff hanger what happens next omg :O